"One Family" is the charity single written by Jeff Paris and Terry Ilous,featuring an all star cast performers from bands such as, Dokken,Eddie Money,Michael T. Ross,Toto,Great White,LA Guns Survivors,MSG XYZ,Rough Cutt, Jeff Paris and more,along with current and former instrumental artists from such bands,as Mr Big,Quiet Riot,Poison,Ozzie Osbourne,Foreigner, Whitesnake,Hurricane, Michael Thompson.Proceeds from the sale of "One Family "will go to the American Red Cross for Disaster Relief.
Terry Ilous
All the singers and musicians have graciously donated their time talent and resources.Now we need your help.We are seeking donations that will be used to promote and market "One Family".No donation is too small.Please give what ever you can and thanks for your support.
Michael T. Ross
Please go to: http://www.unitedrockers4u.org/
Courtesy picture by Remi - PhotoRock
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